Tag Archives: art history


Centrul de Studii Medievale al Universității din București și Cercul de Studii Medievale din cadrul Facutății de Istorie vă invită la Sesiunea de comunicăricu tematica Medieval/ Postmedieval,care va avea loc marți, 27 iunie, ora 12, online (prin intermediul platformei Google Meet). Accesul este limitat, persoanele care doresc să asiste la sesiune fiind rugate să le contacteze pe organizatoare pentru a obține datele de conectare: conf. dr. Luminița Diaconu (luminita.diaconu@lls.unibuc.ro) și prof. dr. Ecaterina Lung (ecaterina.lung@istorie.unibuc.ro).

Call for papers-Online Conference – The Human Body in the Arts

Call for Papers: Online Conference – The Human Body in the Arts

University of Bucharest, Department of Ancient History, Archaeology and History of Art, Faculty of History


Accepted languages: English, French.

Submission of abstracts: January 30, 2021.

No more than 300 words to be submitted at the e-mail address


 The abstract should also feature: the title of the presentation, the name and academic title of the author(s) and their home institution(s), and 3-5 keywords.

Announcement of accepted proposals: February 15, 2021.

Conference: March 5-6, 2021

Duration of each presentation: 20 minutes

Full paper submission for proceedings: May 15, 2021.

Organizers and contact: Vladimir Crețulescu (University of Bucharest), Daniela Zaharia (University of Bucharest), Isabela Popa (University of Bucharest) at
